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Natural Health - Coming of age: getting older isn't about fighting time, but enjoying it. In honor of Natural Health's 40th Anniversary, we've collected 40 of the most surprising and inspiring tips on how to live a longer, healthier life. Who says aging has to get old?
June 1, 2011 --
01. Think young Perspectives on Psychological Science recently published a study by Ellen Langer, Ph.D., a mind-body psychology professor at...
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Resolved Question: Would you consider supporting the introduction of Maharishi´s Transcendental Meditation at the White House?
Dear President Obama,
Last year, after thorough research of the subject, Oprah Winfrey has supported the introduction of the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation (TM) in her company 'Harper Studios'. In an interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz she informs that now all employees at Harper Studios are practicing this simple and very effective meditation technique twice a day together in groups, during company time. The results are very positive, she tells Dr. Oz. It has been announced that in February Oprah will air on her network 'Oprah's Next Chapter' a report about her personal experiences at Maharishi University of Management and Vedic City in Fairfield, Iowa.
At the White House and at the Capitol there will surely be, every day, issues that cause stress and that may sometimes strain relationships between individuals and / or groups of individuals. Also, I am sure that the health of the employees is not always as we would all like it to be.
I know, from my own experience of practicing TM regularly during the last 38 years and from the testimonials of many people that I know, that the practice of TM has very beneficial effects on individuals in terms of their health and well-being and on the society as a whole.
As the group practice of the TM technique and its Advanced Techniques has a proven additional positive effect on all the people practicing these techniques as well as on the environment, would you feel comfortable with the idea of everyone at the White House and ideally also at the Capitol, learning the TM technique as soon as possible and would you support providing time and space at the White House and at the Capitol, for all the staff and the interested politicians, to practice these techniques twice a day during work time together in groups?
Thank you very much for considering my question and my very best wishes for everything you are planning to do for this country during the year 2012. I hope you will be able to answer my question.
The Transcendental Meditation technique allows one's mind to settle inward, beyond thought, to a field of harmony and coherence at the source of thought. In this state of restful alertness, the brain functions more orderly and the body gains a deep state of rest. The natural sciences have discovered innumerable physical laws, describing nature's orderly functioning with mathematical precision. The same field of organizing power that upholds order and harmony in nature resides also within each of us, and is directly accessed through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.
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