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Open Question: Does this school paper deserve an A? What can I change?
How to live to 100
Most people believe that diet and exercise are necessary to achieve longevity. Although exercise and diet plans may help, a good attitude, choosing good friends, being near family and a faith-based community are better predictors of a long and healthful life.
Dan Buettner, founder and CEO of Blue Zones Projects, works with the National Geographic, and has traveled around the world to locate areas in which people are living to be 100 are more years old. He identified many regions with healthy and long- living citizens: California, Italy, Sardinia, Japan, Loma Linda, Okinawa, Nicoya, Ikaria and Costa Rica, Greece and many characteristics that all these people have in common. It’s amazing that the things he found can be incorporated into anyone’s life.
Moving around; with many work places, it is hard to get up and move around. Being stuck behind a desk and not getting enough movement can decrease one’s life span. “People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity,” says Buettner. In the village of Okinawa, where some live to be 140 years old, the people spend their time getting up and down off the floor because they do not have furniture.
In America, it would be a rare person that would resort to no furniture, but there are many other ways to keep moving. For example, parking at the back of the parking lot and walking that extra way can really make a difference in the long run. Also, taking the stairs can be a simple option to stay moving.
Having a good attitude can greatly contribute to longevity. The impact of attitude on one’s life would be one of the greatest factors in a long, fulfilling life. A quote by Charles Swindoll depicts this perfectly. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.”
Faith also contributes to a less stressful and therefore long-living life. According to Buettner, it’s not about measuring your faith, but people that attend a religious institution at least four times a month have less stress and less illness. Of the 263 centenarians the Blue Zones team interviewed, only five didn’t attend faith-based services.
Friends have a huge influence on decisions, and the way one may live their life. Uplifting and positive people who share equal values in health and attitude and faith would not only greatly increase one’s happiness, but also help to keep them living a fulfilling life. Even if you think you aren’t easily influenced, who you surround yourself with can have an impact on how long you live. If your regular group of friends likes to drink every night, smoke or eat fatty foods, chances are you are going to partake at least periodically. Nuts, little meat, and beans is the basis to a long life. Keeping a plant-based diet and regularly eating nuts can add two to four years to your life, Blue Zones Project finds. “Black beans and soy beans are the cornerstones of longevity diets around the world,” Buettner says. He adds that eating nuts—no matter the type—on a daily basis will also boost life span.
Keeping parents nearby adds years to the aging parents and also lowers the mortality rate of children. Grandparents can nurture and help as they age, and this would not only enrich the grandparents life, but also the children in the home, thus expanding each one’s life span. Also, a strong-based family in which there is a peaceful home would not only contribute to a long life, but also to less stress.No matter the location, everyone is prone to stress, but it’s how you deal with it that determines your lifespan. Some may cope with stress through yoga, exercise, meditation, prayer, or even taking some time to just read a book. Napping contributes greatly to a healthful and long life. Those who nap have 35% less cardio vascular disease than those who don’t, and you only have to nap two to five minutes to get the benefits.
Having a reason in life, or a purpose can help you to live a more fulfilling lifestyle. Researchers from the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center found that people who have a "greater purpose" in life are also more likely to have slower developments of mental decline, even with plaques and tangles developing in their brains. Plaques and tangles form as people age, which affects their memory. Plaques and tangles have also been associated with Alzheimer's disease.
"This is encouraging and suggests that engaging in meaningful and purposeful activities promotes cognitive health in old age," researcher Patricia A. Boyle, Ph.D., says.
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Meditation for beginners
Yahoo! Answers: Search for
Open Question: Does this school paper deserve an A? What can I change?
How to live to 100
Most people believe that diet and exercise are necessary to achieve longevity. Although exercise and diet plans may help, a good attitude, choosing good friends, being near family and a faith-based community are better predictors of a long and healthful life.
Dan Buettner, founder and CEO of Blue Zones Projects, works with the National Geographic, and has traveled around the world to locate areas in which people are living to be 100 are more years old. He identified many regions with healthy and long- living citizens: California, Italy, Sardinia, Japan, Loma Linda, Okinawa, Nicoya, Ikaria and Costa Rica, Greece and many characteristics that all these people have in common. It’s amazing that the things he found can be incorporated into anyone’s life.
Moving around; with many work places, it is hard to get up and move around. Being stuck behind a desk and not getting enough movement can decrease one’s life span. “People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity,” says Buettner. In the village of Okinawa, where some live to be 140 years old, the people spend their time getting up and down off the floor because they do not have furniture.
In America, it would be a rare person that would resort to no furniture, but there are many other ways to keep moving. For example, parking at the back of the parking lot and walking that extra way can really make a difference in the long run. Also, taking the stairs can be a simple option to stay moving.
Having a good attitude can greatly contribute to longevity. The impact of attitude on one’s life would be one of the greatest factors in a long, fulfilling life. A quote by Charles Swindoll depicts this perfectly. “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.”
Faith also contributes to a less stressful and therefore long-living life. According to Buettner, it’s not about measuring your faith, but people that attend a religious institution at least four times a month have less stress and less illness. Of the 263 centenarians the Blue Zones team interviewed, only five didn’t attend faith-based services.
Friends have a huge influence on decisions, and the way one may live their life. Uplifting and positive people who share equal values in health and attitude and faith would not only greatly increase one’s happiness, but also help to keep them living a fulfilling life. Even if you think you aren’t easily influenced, who you surround yourself with can have an impact on how long you live. If your regular group of friends likes to drink every night, smoke or eat fatty foods, chances are you are going to partake at least periodically. Nuts, little meat, and beans is the basis to a long life. Keeping a plant-based diet and regularly eating nuts can add two to four years to your life, Blue Zones Project finds. “Black beans and soy beans are the cornerstones of longevity diets around the world,” Buettner says. He adds that eating nuts—no matter the type—on a daily basis will also boost life span.
Keeping parents nearby adds years to the aging parents and also lowers the mortality rate of children. Grandparents can nurture and help as they age, and this would not only enrich the grandparents life, but also the children in the home, thus expanding each one’s life span. Also, a strong-based family in which there is a peaceful home would not only contribute to a long life, but also to less stress.No matter the location, everyone is prone to stress, but it’s how you deal with it that determines your lifespan. Some may cope with stress through yoga, exercise, meditation, prayer, or even taking some time to just read a book. Napping contributes greatly to a healthful and long life. Those who nap have 35% less cardio vascular disease than those who don’t, and you only have to nap two to five minutes to get the benefits.
Having a reason in life, or a purpose can help you to live a more fulfilling lifestyle. Researchers from the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center found that people who have a "greater purpose" in life are also more likely to have slower developments of mental decline, even with plaques and tangles developing in their brains. Plaques and tangles form as people age, which affects their memory. Plaques and tangles have also been associated with Alzheimer's disease.
"This is encouraging and suggests that engaging in meaningful and purposeful activities promotes cognitive health in old age," researcher Patricia A. Boyle, Ph.D., says.
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