Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Resolved Question: Electrokinesis help!?

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Resolved Question: Electrokinesis help!?

So I just got into kinesis' and I want to learn electrokinesis. I have only had minor experience with it. I don't know how to meditate so that would cone in handy too. Anyway, can someone experienced in electrokinesis please help me/ give me some techniques?

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Meditation Techniques - Google News

Yes, You Can Meditate! led by Lozang Jhampa - My Sunshine Coast (press release)

Yes, You Can Meditate! led by Lozang Jhampa
My Sunshine Coast (press release)
This one-day meditation course uses basic Buddhist meditation techniques, however we don't assume you are Buddhist, or ever want to be; these practices benefit everyone who uses them. Meditation is a tool for learning about the mind and how we relate ...

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