Friday, July 13, 2012

Open Question: Scientists today are smarter than Einstein?

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Open Question: Scientists today are smarter than Einstein?

Prayer is meditation. Meditaion is healthy. What is nothing? Nothing is zero. But, for zero, or nothing to exist, there has to be something. Confused? Turn on a radio, that hissing ksh sound, is background radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang. How can something, like the Big Bang, come from nothing?

Gravity! The Sun's gravity is powerful enough to ensure that the Earth and all the other planets in the Solar System don't go whizzing off into space. But, Light can still escape the immense gravity of the Sun. Why? The Speed of Light is immense. Nothing in the Universe is faster than Light. It is the Speed of Light that ensures it escapes gravitational forces and allows it to reach earth in approx 7 min.

However, there is a form, or Singularity, that is capable of catching, LIght. The immense gravitational forces are so strong that the Speed of Light can't overcome it. This singularity is called a Black Hole.
The gravitational pull of the black hole pulls in All matter, all space and all time no longer exist.

Something becomes nothing.

For absolutely nothing to exist, would be a mathematical paradox.
Even nothing is something. How much more arrogant can we be than to assume that if one of our five senses, sight, sound, taste, smell and touch, if none of those senses apprehend anything, that there is nothing there?
The Black Hole, or Singularity works in reverse and from what we call "nothing", all that is, exist today.

We can see the removal of gravity is possible in training facilities for astronauts. However, when we remove the gravity in a vacuum, we not only remove the gravity, but also all the particles, atoms, protons, etc etc..we remove everything.

Now the nothing left, is just that, nothingness. However, we JUST add back the gravity, nothing else. It creates a positive charge and a negative charge and two particles form, a positive and a negative. If the gravitational pull is strong enough, it pulls those two particles together, hence something out of nothing.

Experiments like this have been done countless times to get these conclusions. Science is done by brilliant minded scientists, not idiots or members of a conspiracy.

The earth was estimated to be here for approx 2 million years before there was even simple bacteria that came about. Then about another 2 billion years there was nothing, then the single celled organism of the simplest form came about and the rest is history.

There are many species of monkey and ape. Todays living Monkeys are simply our ancestors, we are not direct decendants of todays monkey, we are decendants of another type of creature in the monkey category. Get it?The Monkeys of today are simply like cousins to the monkey type we evolved from.

We can trace the evolutiontionary trail extremely clearly, all the way back to the begininng in the water.

This is 2012, and we are in fact that smart. There is no conspiracy, there is no cover up and there is no need for speculation.

The geniuses of this planet have solved the riddle of evolution unequivically and believing that or not will not change the fact of evolution anymore than a non belief in the rotation of the earth will change its validity!

You cant see sub atomic particles, but they are right in front of your face until the day you pass on.

Beliefs, your inspiration, what makes you feel good, what makes you happy, or what makes you sleep at night, is not the concern of the rotation of the earth, whether it rains or not, the evolution of our species, or the creation of something from nothing.

These processes will always happen, even if we believe the earth is flat, it will still be round! Get it?.

The dispicable part is when that naive ignorance takes such a stronghold on society, that our freedoms are compromised in the name of religious tales, that we believe to make us feel better.

Even if there is this "god", who was responsible for evolution and the extrordianarily beautiful and complex world of sub atomic particles, even if there were a god who created or started these processes, and made gravity, what makes you so arrogant that you also believe this source or reason for everything is somehow concerned with your daily life on such a personal level that he created a son to be tortured and killed to save you?

Science has shown how something comes from nothing, we havent shown that a man lived in a whale for 3 days, or that this reason for everything is interested in such petty intentions as those written in the 10 commandments.

Its absurd to think the source of such a brilliant creation of the sub atomic world and evolution could also be admittingly jealous.

The brainwashing and manipulation of human emotions such as hope, love and faith, have been the target of relgions for centuries.

Whats it gonna take for mankind to let go off the tit, or crutch, of religious tales to fill the gaps of whatever scienc

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