Monday, March 19, 2012

Discovering Buddhism Retreat: Wisdom of Emptiness - My Sunshine Coast (press release)

Meditation Retreat - Google News

Discovering Buddhism Retreat: Wisdom of Emptiness - My Sunshine Coast (press release)

Discovering Buddhism Retreat: Wisdom of Emptiness
My Sunshine Coast (press release)
The retreat provides a review of the key principles, group discussion, and opportunities to ask questions and clear doubts. Then sit in meditation to deepen your understanding. For those studying DB at home or online this is an excellent chance to ...

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YouTube Videos

Curt Maher - Euphoria (Meditation Relaxation Mood Music)

Curt Maher - Euphoria (Alien Landscapes Album) A beautiful video with wonderful, dreamy photography to compliment the dreamy effect. Nice soothing song to relax to, fall asleep to, very soft gentle magical and mystical sounding new age music to unwind with and relax. Copyright 2012 Astral Recording Company, All Rights Reserved. Note: Utmost care went into the highest quality audio recording and mixdown of this track. It is recommended that you use high quality headphones or a really good stereo preferably with a subwoofer connected to your computer for best results. Also, hit fullscreen for the best quality intended effect of the show. Enjoy!


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Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: How to commit to something in my life?

Well, first some background. I was pretty lonely since I finished primary school and right now I'm in what would be the equivalent of your junior year in the US. I've recently made a trip abroad to learn english and since then I've learned to socialize with people and I am getting some good friends. I've never in my life been forced to do anything and have never really worked. I've always done just what would be needed to pass the year but no more, for no reason other than being really lazy. I've played some guitar, done some things here and there, learned a few skills but never committed to anything or learned anything by hard work. I've worked a lot for some asssignments but that's about it. I live alone with my father and love him dearly (even though he buys me everything I need we have friend-friend relationship, not a father-son one). No one is actually pushing me to work and I'm unable to push myself to work.

So here's my problem: I want to commit to something, do something I love a lot, but I just can't. I want to meditate a lot, I want to go out in the forest for big walks, I want to study a lot and learn more. I want to have a healthy life and do things I love and keep doing them (generally I stop something 1 week after beginning it because I then don't see the reason for doing it anymore). But right when I begin something, I'm telling myself to do what I need to but I just can't, after a few days I always think to myself: "bwoah, I don't really care, let's play some pointless videogame or read some useless internet discussion".And then I just stop doing it. I can't seem to pass this point. I feel really helpless, like I have no control over my brain and it just does what it wants to.

Thanks to anyone who may answer!

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