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American Meditation Institute Offers New CME Course on Meditation and Yoga as ... - PR Web (press release)
![]() PR Web (press release) | American Meditation Institute Offers New CME Course on Meditation and Yoga as ... PR Web (press release) Meditation and yoga can teach us how to make better choices. The American Meditation Institute (AMI) will hold its fourth annual mind-body medicine CME course on meditation and yoga for physicians and other health care professionals, November 1-4, ... |
Company aims to strike it rich by mining asteroids
A group of high-tech tycoons wants to mine nearby asteroids, hoping to turn science fiction into real profits.
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Resolved Question: Is Scotish Rite of "Free" Mason/New Age the veichal the Illuminati 666 will ride humanity into the Tribulation?
Does the lowering of the Eye / Capstone of Pyramid on back of Dollar bill take place during Tribulation?
Is the Illuminati 666 Octopus with its many tentacles such as the "Free" Masons & Associates, Mafia & Associates, and New Age and Associated witchcraft cults been preparing for the Great Tribulation by placing all their Ducks in a row so to speak as in the U.N., Federal Reserves, Counsel on Foreign Relation, Tri Lateral Commission, Builder Berg Group, Apostasy in “Christian” Churches just to name a few.
Is the Illuminate 666 preparing for the 3.5 years when God will give the Devil, The Beast which ascends up out of the abyss which is a eighth king spoken of in Revelation, “which once was, now its not, and will come up out of the abyss to go to it’s destruction”, and the false prophet are given authority to rule over Earth for the 3.5 year period known as the Great Tribulation? Is the reason for the lawless acts against the true believers in the Holy Trinity at this time in history because the Devil / Mr. evil himself is fully aware that Jesus Christ is God Almighty and other religions are nothing short of being apart of the deception and lie of the Devil and his minions?
Will the Holy Spirit and or the Holy Angels protecting Gods children be taken out of the way at this time? Is this when Satan and his unholy Trinity will put into full force their attempt to spiritually enslave all humanity Revelations 13:10? Is this an unholy baptism on humanity?
The Illuminati has placed occult material into society in the form of games and or practices to spiritually enslave society. These practices are strictly forbidden by God, documented in the Bible, and cause spiritual bondage / captivity Revelation 13, 10. Would this be considered sewing the seed of spiritual bondage / slavery?
Through said spiritual bondage the victims of this satanic mafia are being forced to go through secret ceremony performed through altered states of consciousness / transcendental meditation assisted with witchcraft. The victim is tortured by methods of witchcraft / demonology until they consent to go through said ceremony. While in T.M. state the victims are instructed to accept the worship of one of the New World Order of the Ages many “Gods”. They say using methods of witchcraft / telepathy, that in accepting the worship of one of their Gods you accept the worship of them all. One of their Gods is Satan, another God they call Jesus, but they seem to have a demonic entity for every occasion. Is this how the Devil and his Illuminati is going to bring all religions of the world together under one banner of 666 spiritually enslaving the people of the world Revelation 13,10? Do members of this “Secret” Society recognize their own by the unholy baptism / spirit of witchcraft they receive through their initiation?
During this period will the Devil and his minions work in humanity through the manifestation of the spirit of sin / Demonic influence manipulating humanity into world war in an attempt to reap the weeds / Satan’s seed and destroy earth and everything upon her or does this happen during the Sixth Trumpet?
Is the New Age Movement really an old age satanic mafia better known as Scottish rite of "Free" Masonry KKK 11+11+11=33?
Walter J Veith exposing deception, Myron Fagan exposing the Illuminate, You tube NWO Defined
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