Saturday, April 21, 2012

Resolved Question: I can't move forward, I'm stuck in awe!! Please...what should I do to help ease the level of jealousy?

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Resolved Question: I can't move forward, I'm stuck in awe!! Please...what should I do to help ease the level of jealousy?

I thought I could learn to control my jealousy. I actually thought I had grown out of it... UNTIL NOW. I've been reading so many books, learning to meditate, and practicing the beliefs of Buddhism. But, I feel overwhelmed with jealousy to a point that is unhealthy and I can't find anything to make me feel okay.

My ex and I broke up about 6 months ago. There has never been a point where we ever spoke about it, but on and off we have stayed in contact. I have tried the NC thing three times now, but there were times he pulled me be back into the "friendship" making me feel comfortable and in some way giving me hope, although he has pretty much remained distant in his personal life. Recently his reaching out to me has stopped. I thought we were still on that "friendship" level of daily communication... so when it came to a halt I was still being naive, thinking he was just busy getting is life on a roll as he had just come back from 6 months of traveling. By the way - I'm living in another country for the time being. So we haven't seen one another for 6 months. He broke up with me in the very beginning of my journey (it's a long story, but as I look back on it I realize he let go of the relationship long before I did).

To the point - I just realized he's been building a relationship with a girl he met while we were together. He was captivated by her and told me all about her, and it started to cause some issues in me, but tried to remain positive about it. As of today they have gone into business together and are building a relationship. He might even possibly be falling head over heals for her, I don't know, but that's my guess because the more I look at her the more I realize she has EVERYTHING in a woman he has always talked about. Dark skin, long black hair, perfect body, perfect booty, very strong and independent, sexy, beautiful smile, great personality, always positive and smiling, she's a singer, and dancer, a massage therapist, a model, a surfer, an artist, very creative innovative thinker, very caring, out going go getter who is always on the go, and always making things happen. Right now she just started an organization on her own to help feed and clothes orphaned children through out the world, building homes where they can stay, etc. My ex is now the headcorders coordinator and they are now spending a lot of time together building this new organization together, as they are both very attracted to one another. It's been obvious. He is an extremely talented artist, and they both have a lot in common. Both of them have a very free spirited life style and are very open with their bodies. She is everything I have always wanted to be, but here I am a girl who struggles to find herself and her calling in life, while they are 20 steps ahead of me. How do I get beyond this?
PS. His parents were a strong influence in my life. They helped me get through a lot and did so much for me. They were, in essence, my "parents". They are slowly becoming a but more distant with me. My way of thinking tells me my ex is doing so well and this is other girl and him are building something wonderful together that his parents are proud of. It's a way of life I never was able to build with him, because I was having difficulties in my life while my ex and I were together. Because of this, I feel his parents are slowing weening me out of their life.
I've gotten all of this information about her from her FB page as well as ALL the posts she's been posting on his page as well as all her videos on You Tube that document it all. My ex has never uttered a word about her to me.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Resolved Question: Is meditation a good technique for anxiety? Why or why not?

If not then what types of techniques or methods can I do to lower my anxiety? I have been doing research lately and am interested and have gone to a session but want to know which type is best because after doing some research I find that there's so many different types of meditation. Like Mindfullness meditation for example? is that a good one to lower anxiety and stress for a college student?

Extra details of myself: I get very stressed out easily and have ongoing anxiety. Please dont mention any drugs!! I want to try and be involved with natural thearupeutic methods first. See how those go.

Anyone tried it...whats your opinion of it? what's the best types I can look into? (especially regarding my description) thanks.

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