Friday, May 18, 2012

Open Question: I can't meditate! Help?

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: I can't meditate! Help?

I tried to meditate with a lot of meditation music, but nothing seems to help.
I don't have that much problem by stopping my thoughts, but I never feel anything after the meditation,
or when I'm meditating I don't feel anything special. By the way my back starts hurting only after few minutes, so I can't concentrate on meditation. I've been looking through a lot of videos and so on, but I still don't get like how to meditate or something... Any suggestions of what I should do?

P.S. Sorry for bad English :P

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Resolved Question: Ways to deal with stress, anxiety and panic attacks?

My son started out feeling weird about a year ago and he had an accelerated heart rate and high blood pressure. We took him to the doctor and at first they thought something was wrong with his heart. It turned out that there wasn't but that he was having a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. We tried to help him deal with his stress through breathing techniques and meditation but that was hard for him. The doctor put him on xanax, but we want natural methods of dealing with anxiety. Anyone have any good recommendations for anxiety and panic attacks and reducing overall stress?
Thank you for the replies. My son actually tried visterol, but it didn't help

YouTube Videos

♫ Binaural Bliss ♫ #2 (NEW)

Meditation, Relaxing, Peacefull, Music, Astral Projection, Astral Travel, OBE, Out of Body Experience, Binaural Beats, Hemi-Sync, Guided Meditation, Sounds, Sleep, Hypnogogic, Lucid, Soul, Chakras, Third Eye, Pineal Gland, Angels,OBE, out of body experience, astral projection, sleep paralysis, hypnogogic, separation, project, afterlife, death, spiritual, realm, how-to, meditation, focus, spirit, mind, mastering, consciousness, energy, healing, ascension, reality, egypt, secret, 2012, end-of, spirituality, awakening, alien, etheric, robert monroe, separation, vibration, dreams, demons, travel, ghosts, falling, clairvoyance, mind awake, body asleep, soul, dimention, lucid dreaming, NDE, near death experience, techniques,Meditation, Relaxation, Binaural, Theta, Rain/Thunder, Affirmation by: Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer, Music by: Hans Zimmer


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