Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Buddhas in the West: Even Bill Clinton Turns Toward Meditation - New America Media

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Buddhas in the West: Even Bill Clinton Turns Toward Meditation - New America Media

Buddhas in the West: Even Bill Clinton Turns Toward Meditation
New America Media
This was the same year that Thomas Dyer, a former Marine and one-time Southern Baptist pastor, became the first Buddhist chaplain in the history of the U.S. Army and he was sent to Afghanistan to administer to Buddhist American soldiers. Over the past ...

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Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Voting Question: Bringing up the past with my girlfriend. Good idea or bad?

We started sating when I was 13 and she was 14. I lost my virginity to her and vise-versa, we were inseparable and very compatible (beyond belief). She broke up with me when she was 16, she was my best friend and naturally, I was devastated. 3 weeks later, she dated another guy (Lets call him Jeff) who had been working with her at her job.

(Keep this in mind) While we were still dating, I had a dream when I was 15 that my girlfriend was with Jeff having sex, kissing etc. I woke up almost in tears, this dream came out of nowhere at the time, at the near-end of our relationship. I told her (while we were still dating) and she told me she loved me and I'll always be the only one she'll ever love.

fast-forward 2 years.

I'm 18, I became a stronger person, mentally and physically. I have toned my body and compete in triathlons for fun. My ex-girlfriend comes back in the picture after 2 years of little to no communication, and now we're dating again (1 year now). At the beginning of out relationship, she told me about her ex-boyfriend, Jeff, it hurts to hear it, but I listen anyways. Ex abused her mentally, and it has made her more defensive as a person and gets snappy at times, but she always apologizes for it. I recently asked her "Hey, when I told you about my dream years ago...did you actually cheat on me?" Turns out, she did. Before we could talk more about it, we got inturrupted, and didn't speak of it again. I kept a smile on and made it seem like it didn't even bother me, but in reality, it tore my world apart. "She cheated on me while we were dating" was the only thing that could go through my mind and I know she knew It affected me, but didn't bring it up again. When she was sleeping, I hopped out of bed to talk to my parent. She told me not to bring it up again; "The past is the past" she said, "It'll only hurt her". I took her advice.

I meditated for days trying to eliminate it from my head, but I just can't. I'm considering telling her how I truly feel, but I know it'll make her upset and cry. She is a wonderful person, and she said she has learned from her past mistakes and she has realized that in life, I'm the only person she really wants to be with. When she was dating Jeff, she said she missed me dearly, and realized her mistake after I was gone.

My question: Should I bring up the past to talk to her about my feelings at the cost of her feelings being hurt? She cheated on me when we were dating perviously, and it is hurting me inside. As my mother said "Leave the past where it belongs. The past."

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