Saturday, July 21, 2012

Osho Meditation - Love

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Osho Meditation - Love

Live beautifully Dream passionally Love completely


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Open Question: Marital Arts Meditation?

I use to meditate everyday back when I use to train hardcore. I know a lot about different color auras and what they doandaligning chakras and all that stuff.I use to be at the point where my energy was so string I could feel it all day coursing through and around my body. It was awesome. I could even use it in my fighting techniques. Now I am back to my old ways again, but no where near as energy strongas before. This time I want to be stronger than ever before.Consideringthe factthat mybodyis in better shape than it ever was. I was curious to know if anyone couldthrow me some pointers ona good fasterway to achieve such a level? Like I said before, I'm well educated on meditation and all. I'm just looking for any possible new ways to learn to surpass my previous level. Please, only serious answers. This isn't a joke. If you know nothing about suchareas then save yourself the embarrassment of saying something childish or oblivious and making yourself look stupid to those ofus whodoknow!
Thank you
My question is the only sentence in this paragraph that ends in a question mark. However not all questions are directed straight towards a question mark at the end of the sentence. That's why we all need to open our understanding more. Attention to detail is the best focus that exists!

What do declassified 'UFO' documents say about alien life?

Alien spacecraft and little green men remain elusive figures in the latest trove of official UFO files released July 12 by the United Kingdom government.

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