Friday, September 7, 2012

Open Question: Did you know this about meditation?

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Open Question: Did you know this about meditation?


"All spiritual disciplines describe quite psychedelic accounts of the transformative experiences, whose attainment motivate their practice. Blinding white light, encounters with demonic and angelic entities, ecstatic emotions, timelessness, heavenly sounds, feelings of having died and being reborn, contacting a powerful and loving presence underlying all of reality—these experiences cut across all denominations. They also are characteristic of a fully psychedelic DMT experience.

Several meditative disciplines bring about an intense fine-tuning of attention and awareness; for example, one-pointed focus on the breath. The brain's electrical activity, as measured by the electroencephalogram, reflects this synchronization, or bringing together, of brain activity. Many studies have reported that experienced meditators produce brain wave patterns that are slower and better organized than those found in everyday awareness. The "deeper" the meditation, the slower and stronger the waves.

Other techniques supplement these attentional practices with methods like chanting. Chants, using words from ancient languages with supposedly unique spiritual properties, may cause profound psychological effects. Visualization practices, in which one builds up increasingly complex and dynamic images in the mind's eye, also can lead to blissful and sublime states of mind.

Meditative techniques using sound, sight, or the mind may generate particular wave patterns whose fields induce resonance in the brain. Millennia of human trial and error have determined that certain "sacred" words, visual images, and mental exercises exert uniquely desired effects. Such effects may occur because of the specific fields they generate within the brain.

The pineal begins to "vibrate" at frequencies that weaken its multiple barriers to DMT formation: the pineal cellular shield, enzyme levels, and quantities of anti-DMT. The end result is a psychedelic surge of the pineal spirit molecule, resulting in the subjective states of mystical consciousness."

DMT The Spirit Molecule - Rick Strassman

Meditation Methods - Google News

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He is the creator of Dahn Yoga, Brain Education and numerous meditation methods. Since his first visit to Sedona sixteen years ago, Lee has shared the messages and spirit he has received from this magical land. He is the founder of Sedona Mago Retreat, ...

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